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Nathan S. Sloan

Secondary ELA Support Specialist

Aiken County Public Schools

Aiken, SC


University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC

  • Master of Teaching, 2011

  • Bachelor of Arts in English with Minor in Secondary Education, 2009

Non-Degree Coursework

  • Nature and Needs of the Gifted and Talented, Southern Wesleyan University, 2015 (3 Graduate Hours)

  • Curriculum and Instruction for the Gifted and Talented, Southern Wesleyan University, 2015 (3 Graduate Hours)

  • Curriculum Planning and Design, University of South Carolina, 2013 (3 Graduate Hours)

  • The Reading-Writing Connection, College of Charleston, 2011 (3 Graduate Hours)

  • ESOL Endorsement Coursework, University of South Carolina at Aiken:

    • Principles and Strategies for English Learners, Summer 2020

    • Teaching Reading and Writing to Multilingual Learners, Spring 2021 ​

    • Linguistics, Summer 2021

    • Multicultural Education for Diverse Learners, Spring 2022 


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A Brief Note:

A product of the South Carolina educational system myself, I have considered it pleasure to be serving in South Carolina community schools. I have had the opportunity to teach a diverse students and in both urban and rural communities.

I find one thing to be certain: students cannot succeed if they are not challenged. They need to be pushed past their comfort zones to experience new things and encounter new ideas. The success of our future as a state depends on this rigorous exploration of ideas and educational opportunities.

My goal is to provide my students with as many tools as can be made available so that they can find creative solutions to real-world, modern problems. I also seek to coach teachers in creating classrooms that prepare students to engage thoughtfully and critically in a high-tech revolution.


South Carolina

  • Secondary English Professional (expires 2023)

  • Gifted and Talented Endorsement

  • AP English Language and Composition Endorsement

  • Read to Succeed Requirement

  • ESOL Endorsement (in process)


Dreher High School, Columbia SC (2014-Present)

English and Broadcast Journalism Teacher

  • Teaching AP English Language and Composition, all grade levels of English from remedial to honors.

  • Have taught Broadcast Journalism in the past.

  • Led technology professional development for staff during Digital Learning Environment initiative and MasteryConnect software.

  • Participated in planning technology evaluation process for teachers as part of the Richland School District One Digital Learning Environment Visioning Day.

  • Named a Richland One “Tech Savvy Teacher of the Year” for 2016-2017

  • Member of 2016-2017 Digital Learning Environment “Reflective Friends” Cohort

Dreher High School, Columbia SC (2014-2023)

English Teacher

  • Teaching AP English Language and Composition, all grade levels of English from remedial to honors.

  • Have taught Broadcast Journalism in the past.

  • Led technology professional development for staff during Digital Learning Environment initiative and MasteryConnect software.

  • Participated in planning technology evaluation process for teachers as part of the Richland School District One Digital Learning Environment Visioning Day.

  • Named a Richland One “Tech Savvy Teacher of the Year” for 2016-2017

  • Member of 2016-2017 Digital Learning Environment “Reflective Friends” Cohort

The University of South Carolina, Columbia SC (Summers 2017, 2018, 2019)

Adjunct Instructor for Educational Technologies (Contract)

  • Taught graduate level courses to preservice and veteran teachers, training them how to integrate technology effectively to enhance classroom instruction.

  • Redesigned curriculum to serve students in face-to-face, hybrid, and virtual classrooms.

Pelion High School, Pelion, SC (2011-2014)

Broadcast Production and Film Studies Teacher

  • Taught English Department electives—Broadcast Production and Film Studies. Developed curricula and standards for both courses. Helped write district curriculum for English II.

  • Student Council Co-Sponsor, Public Relations Correspondent, School Webmaster, After-Prom Committee Chairman, Pageant Committee, Homecoming Committee.

  • Broadcasting students have received numerous awards in national and state competitions.

  • Leader in 1:1 iPad integration, iPad peer trainer.

Full Time Student Intern

  • Over 200 teaching hours in English I and Public Speaking classes.

  • Created and planned lessons, taught daily, and participated in meetings and school events

  • Led digital learning professional development sessions for faculty in preparation for 1:1 implementation.


College Board AP Reader for AP English Language and Composition

  • Contract work grading AP English Language and Composition Exams for the May 2021 testing administration. 

  • Was trained in the norms for grading standardized essays and met the goal of scoring approximately 20 essays per hour.

South Carolina Department of Education

  • Contracted for the Spring and Summer of 2016 to develop support documents for the new South Carolina College and Career Ready Standards.

  • Worked with a team of teachers to create model unit plans aligned to the 2015 SC College and Career Ready standards.


Achieve Columbia (2015-2019)

  • Volunteer as teacher mentor for Achieve Columbia, a non-profit that works with inner-city at-risk students to provide safe study spaces, academic tutoring, and motivational support.

Somali Bantu Resettlement with Lutheran Homes of South Carolina (2007-2010)

  • Worked one-on-one tutoring a Somali Bantu refugee through his high school courses from January 2007—May 2010.

Memberships and Professional Organizations

  • Member of NCTE and SCCTE professional organizations.

  • Presentations at 2011 and 2014 SCCTE Conference

Skills and Proficiencies

  • Proficient with Microsoft Office Software, Google Classroom, Edmodo, Power School, Blogs, Wikis, Prezi, TEC Blendspace, EdPuzzle. SchoolTube, and other computer technologies which can be implemented into a modern technology-based classroom.   |   Columbia, SC   |    Contact   | ©2017 Shannon Hamilton and Nathan Sloan

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